Wednesday, March 22, 2006

just gates

entrevista interessante de gates. Além de comentar sobre coisas como vista e google tem uma pitada de web 2.0. Como não poderia deixar de ser ele critica também todo este boom de serviços web. Entretanto a crítica dele é muito mais sutil . Matéria completa aqui.

[ abre aspas ]
There's a lot of experimentation with business models. Are you concerned that some of the business models are not quite baked?
Gates: Well, I think we'll see the same types of things we always see, with lots of new companies and new ideas. Ninety percent will not be distinct enough or not have the right business model, and those will go away. And yet the 10 percent that emerge will show new and neat things. Take all the companies doing video today. If you asked me today which ones will be here five years from now, I couldn't really say and yet--I love using them. I think what (they've) got there is neat and exciting".
[ fecha aspas ]

"Not many people are brave enough to compete with (Google), with that kind of scale and momentum. Well, we are".

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